Über uns / About us

Uniqueer ist eine im März 2019 gegründeten Gruppe queerer Mitarbeiter*innen und deren LGBTIQ* Unterstützer*innen an der Universität Klagenfurt. Wir vernetzen uns inner- und außerhalb der Universität, um queere Sichtbarkeit am Campus zu erhöhen und queere Initiative zu fördern.

Zu unserer Gruppe gehören Cristina Beretta, Daria Jadreškić, Katrin Ackerl Konstantin, Rosalia Kopeinig, Maria Mucke, Alice Pechriggl, René Schallegger, Blake Shedd, Heidi Siller unter anderem. Wir freuen uns sehr, neue Kontakte zu machen und neue Menschen kennenzulerenen!

Founded in March 2019, Uniqueer is a group of queer & queer-supporting faculty and staff from the University of Klagenfurt. Below are the goals of Uniqueer. Our main aims is to increase the awareness of queer-related themes and foster a growing queer community on campus.

We happily count Cristina Beretta, Daria Jadreškić, Katrin Ackerl Konstantin, Rosalia Kopeinig, Maria Mucke, Alice Pechriggl, René Schallegger, Blake Shedd, Heidi Siller, and many more among our members and supporters. We look forward to meeting new people and making new contacts!


REPRESENTATION: It’s important that queer faculty members are visible so as to normalize queerness and to affirm non-heteronormativity as present on campus. This fosters an inclusive, open environment for all faculty, staff, and students to express themselves.

AWARENESS: It’s important to raise awareness that non-heteronormative sexual and gender identities are deserving of respect and acceptance.

WORK WITH OTHER GROUPS: It’s important to build a supportive network on campus to increase university-wide outreach in order to exercise a unified voice in advocacy for queer issues. Uniqueer will work with student-led groups (like the ÖH) and campus organizations like the University Centre for Women’s Studies and Gender Studies. Uniqueer can also facilitate outreach to other Austrian universities through faculty connections.

QUEER SUPPORT: It’s important to amplify the voices of queer students, faculty, and staff on campus and advocate for them within the university. Marginalized groups should be supported and have their voices affirmed.